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Steel As a Strategic Resource

Steel is one of the most recycled and recyclable materials in the world. As a 100% recyclable raw material, it is the cornerstone of sustainable production.

Sustainable Steel

Sustainable business is an essential part of our corporate strategy. We place emphasis on greening production and reducing the energy consumption of production units. Recycling is an integral part of our production process.

Together For The Region

Metallurgy inherently belongs to a region where craftsmanship and the honest work associated with it have deep roots. We strive to contribute to further local development through our activities and represent our attitude with the motto: Together for the generations to come.

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Quality First

Třinecké železárny consistently guarantees the quality of its products to all customers through established quality management tools.

Quality System

The certified quality system according to ISO 9001 complies with international standards and regulations. It provides a guarantee that conditions are created for the conformity of the delivery to the customer-defined requirements.

Quality System

Product Certification

Product certificates for more than 50 metallurgical products of Třinecké železárny give our customers a guarantee that the technical and utility parameters meet the requirements set by specific standards or conditions.


Press releases

Press releases

The Rolling Mill Develops Pipes for Hydrogen Technologies

Hydrogen could play a key role in everyday life in the coming years, provided it becomes commercially available. To support its storage and transport, the rolling mill of Třinecké železárny in Ostrava – the Tube Rolling Mill (VT) – is working on developing a certified pipe that will be competitive in the market.

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Třinecké železárny has launched its first decarbonization project

Today, with the ceremonial tapping of the foundation stone, the construction of the Iron Ore Briquetting Line officially began at Třinecké železárny. This is the first project in the transformation of the steelworks, which will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, as required by European legislation.

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New Filters capture additional tons of dust.

At least 30 tons of dust per year are captured by the new filtration system at Agglomeration plant 1. This plant, which processes raw materials for blast furnaces, has been equipped by Třinecké železárny with an additional filtration system for transfer points material.

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