Hydrogen could play a key role in everyday life in the coming years, provided it becomes commercially available. To support its storage and transport, the rolling mill of Třinecké železárny in Ostrava – the Tube Rolling Mill (VT) – is working on developing a certified pipe that will be competitive in the market.
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Today, with the ceremonial tapping of the foundation stone, the construction of the Iron Ore Briquetting Line officially began at Třinecké železárny. This is the first project in the transformation of the steelworks, which will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, as required by European legislation.
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At least 30 tons of dust per year are captured by the new filtration system at Agglomeration plant 1. This plant, which processes raw materials for blast furnaces, has been equipped by Třinecké železárny with an additional filtration system for transfer points material.
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Representatives of the management of Moravia Steel and Třinecké železárny met with representatives of the government of the Czech Republic this morning to discuss the strategy for steel production in the Czech Republic. The appreciated the approach of ministers Zbyněk Stanjura, Jozef Síkela and Marian Jurečka, who are actively interested in the situation at the Liberty Ostrava steel plant.
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Třinecké železárny (TŽ) closed the financial year 2023 with a profit of CZK 44 million. The result was approved by the company's General Meeting on Monday, 24 of June. Sales of products and services in 2023 reached the value of CZK 49.692 billion. In 2022, it was CZK billion 57.602. Třinecké železárny (TŽ) produced 2, 415 kilotonnes of steel in 2023.
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