Last year was successful for Třinecké železárny
Yesterday, the General Meeting of Třinecké železárny approved the company's financial results for the year under review. Although the past year was marked by a number of uncertainties and twists and turns, the company achieved a positive after-tax result of CZK 2.393 billion. The basis for this was the company's turnover of CZK 57.602 billion.

"Despite persistent problems in some supply and demand chains, production has been stabilised. The total volume of steel produced exceeded 2.4 million tonnes. Despite the complications, the share of the Třinec steelworks in domestic crude steel production increased to 57 percent in 2022," said Tomáš Chrenek, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Wire rod remained the main product, accounting for 904 kt of total sales in 2022, of which more than 70% was sold on foreign markets.
Sales of bars and sections reached 511 kt. Sales of bright steel increased from 91 kt to 94 kt compared with the previous year and contributed partly to the growth in sales of higher value-added products. Bar and section steel is mainly recovered in the form of flexible parts used in the automotive industry.
Třinecké železárny is the only producer of rails and railway accessories in the Czech Republic. Last year the company supplied almost 32 kt of rails and railway accessories to the domestic market, out of a total sales volume of 248 kt.
Business last year was adversely affected by the war in Ukraine, which affected the supply of raw materials, especially ore. The metallurgical segment was most affected by the energy crisis, the effects of which are still being felt and are reflected in this year's market situation.
Despite this, the company managed to maintain the planned volume of investments, the total amount of which exceeded CZK 1.8 billion. "One of the most important in terms of increasing the added value of our products was the new peeling line for the treatment of steel bars. It is an exemplary example of the advancement of industrial automation in a specific sector of the metallurgical industry, as well as of the constantly increasing quality of products in the metallurgical segment," he added, Ján Moder, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
This year, Třinecké železárny will continue its Green Werk transformation project, through which the group has started an extensive process of environmentally friendly steel production. Its aim is to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the air.
The transformation process also includes a plan to build a state-of-the-art electric arc furnace to produce steel mainly from scrap. The second strategic investment of the project concerns the transition from thermal coal to green energy sources in the subsidiary Energetika Třinec, which deals with the production and distribution of energy media.
The annual production of the Třinec steelworks is around 2.5 million tonnes of steel. The main products are mainly long rolled products - wire rod, shaped steel, special steel bars, drawn steel, rails, wide steel, seamless tubes and metallurgical semi-finished products. The company currently employs almost 7,000 people, mainly in the Třinec and Jablunkov regions.
Bc. Petra Macková Jurásková
Press Secretary in the Group
Třinecké železárny – Moravia Steel
tel.: +420 558 535 841
mobil: +420 602 265 738
Třinecké železárny – Moravia Steel
phone: +420 558 535 841
mobile: +420 602 265 738