Energy savings and emission decline, investments exceeding one billion
Investments maximizing automation, reducing CO2 emissions, energy savings, and initial steps towards sustainable steel production characterize the year 2024 in Třinecké železárny. This year, the company plans to invest an amount exceeding CZK 1.5 billion.

"A significant milestone in the process of transforming primary metallurgy will be the completion of all documentation necessary to start preparatory work on the steel production decarbonization project, which will be completed by 2030 with the construction of a new electric arc furnace," says Roman Heide, CEO of Třinecké železárny (TŽ). The new technology will replace half of the current steel production through blast furnaces and an oxygen converter steel mill.
Improvement of rail properties
The largest strategic investment action of this year will affect the production of Třinec rails. The new technology for their heat treatment, with estimated costs of approximately 900 million Czech crowns, will culminate in the fall, and it will be launched in November. The equipment will enhance the utility properties of wide-flange rails. "It will enable us to expand the product portfolio and offer a product with a longer lifespan. The equipment developed by our technologists is based on the principle of intensive cooling of selected parts of the rail using air," explains Technical Director Henryk Huczala.
The planned construction of an iron ore briquetting line is also related to the transformation of production aimed at reducing the carbon footprint. The essence of the technology is the production process of blast furnace charge by the cold path. For this project, the smelter is applying for a grant from the Modernization Fund. It is expected to be operational by the end of 2027. The installation will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions by up to 70,000 tons per year.
Energy savings
Another significant investment action will bring fuel and electricity savings. The modernization of the preheater of media heaters in blast furnace No. 4 will ensure more efficient use of flue gas waste heat. Costs exceeding CZK 260 million will be partially covered by subsidies amounting to CZK 110 million. "We will use the heat of outgoing flue gases by increasing the temperature of preheated media. In the case of air and blast furnace gas, it will be at least +165°C, increasing the temperature of hot wind by at least 48°C. This will reduce blast furnace gas production by approximately 30 million m3 per year, resulting in savings of nearly 19,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually," explained Investment Director Daniel Heczko. Investment in the replacement of burner systems at several heating stations in iron and steel production will also save natural gas consumption. Třinecké železárny will introduce coke oven gas in these stations. The investment will exceed CZK 200 million. According to the principles of the circular economy, the company has been using all metallurgical gases (blast furnace, converter, and coke oven) for reprocessing at various facilities for a long time.
Třinecké železárny – Moravia Steel
phone: +420 558 535 841
mobile: +420 602 265 738