In June 2022, as part of a voluntary agreement, Třinecké železárny and the Moravian-Silesian Region again committed themselves to activities that will lead to less environmental impact. Both entities fulfilled their obligations for the year 2023, according to the retrospective evaluation.

"With this voluntary agreement, we can declare the responsible approach of large companies, whose goal is to reduce the negative effects of their activities on the environment to a minimum. I appreciate their approach, they are not only concerned with meeting standards and regulations, they offer activities beyond the scope of the law. In short, they do something extra for our region, its citizens and the environment," said Jan Krkoška, the Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region and recalled that the Region currently has a voluntary agreement with a total of five large companies operating in the region. In addition to Třinecké železárny, BorsodChem MCHZ, Lenzing Biocel Paskov, OKK Koksovny and AL INVEST Břidličná have committed to activities beyond the scope of the legislation.
As part of voluntary agreements, the Moravian-Silesian Region has also committed itself to activities that will have a positive impact on the environment. For example, the regional budget financially supports the above-limit cleaning of roads, contributes to the replacement of old boilers in households, supports regional monitoring of air quality or, for example, supports municipalities in more efficient management of municipal solid waste.
"Since 2018 we have regularly concluded voluntary agreements with large companies. Just as individual companies commit to activities, the Moravian-Silesian Region is also taking concrete steps. We also implemented everything we promised in the voluntary agreement. For example, we contribute an additional CZK 7,000 and a half to all successful applicants for a boiler subsidy. Last year, we paid out CZK 17.4 million from the regional budget to replace a non-ecological boiler. We have another more than 10 million prepared for the following period between 2024 and 2025. We also pay for road cleaning above the limit beyond the scope of legal obligations. Annually, we spend over CZK 12 million on cleaning roads in areas with poor air quality. In this way, we cleaned a total of 952 kilometers of regional roads during the warm half of the year, when dust is the most intense," said Zdenka Němečková Crkvenjaš, the Moravian-Silesian Region's councillor for the environment, adding that the regional authority has defended its EMAS certificate and certified quality management system. This means that it minimises the negative impact of its operations on the environment and improves the quality of services to citizens.
As part of the voluntary agreement, Třinecké železárny committed to 17 measures. "These include both investments in the modernization of production facilities and other activities that reduce environmental pollution, support the development of greenery, the development of a circular economy and help local residents. The company has fulfilled all 17 obligations," said Roman Heide, CEO of Třinecké železárny.
The biggest investment was the dedusting of the bell-less charging in both blast furnaces, which the company put into operation last year. It was possible to reduce values many times below the emission limit of 10 mg/m3 of solid pollutants. An authorized measurement showed a dust concentration of 0.07 mg/m3.
"As for the greenery, last year we spent over CZK 4 million on its maintenance on our land. In addition, our employees planted two thousand fir trees in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy during the volunteer day," added Roman Heide.
As part of the agreement, the company also organized and paid for ten-day health stays in the Tatras for 250 pupils of primary schools in the region. The amount reached almost CZK 2.5 million.
Třinecké železárny – Moravia Steel
phone: +420 558 535 841
mobile: +420 602 265 738