Třinecké železárny has started construction of a new facility for unloading of key raw materials. The modern rail unloading system, which is part of the Innofreight rail transport system, will replace the existing unloading equipment for commodities imported by rail. Innofreight's modular technology is based on weight-optimised rail cars with the possibility of using different types of interchangeable superstructures – containers.
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This year, Třinecké železárny is going to start implementing of specific projects to reduce CO2 emissions into the air. According to calculations, their volume will decrease by more than a half by 2030. The integrated Green Werk Transformation Project will affect the energy sector, the product portfolio and primary production processes.
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Třinecké železárny has been striving for several years of maximum possible use of by-products of metallurgical production by recycling. The use of slag and metallurgical gases also brings significant CO2 savings. This fulfils the currently promoted conditions of sustainable production.
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Třinecké železárny plans to invest CZK 1.6 billion this year. Another nearly CZK 70 million will be invested in environmental projects. The largest modernisation projects using new technologies will increase the added value of the products of our company.
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This year's wage increase was agreed in the Collective Agreement by the company's management together with representatives of the basic organisations of the KOVO TŽ Trade Union.
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The reconstruction of the primary metallurgical production technology started a few days ago in Třinecké železárny. The repair and reconstruction of one of the two blast furnaces numbered #6 is currently underway. After 62 days, on 19 October, the blast furnace operators will blow it out again and start melting pig iron.
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One of the most challenging years in modern history, this was the year 2020 for Třinecké železárny. It was accompanied by an economic slowdown, uncertainties on the steel market, and finally a global coronavirus pandemic that meant a fundamental change in the organisation of work and care of employees. Despite this, the company managed to achieve a positive result of CZK 469 million. However, this is the worst result in a decade.
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Třinecké železárny decided to help healthcare at a time of increased oxygen consumption used for the treatment of COVID-19 disease. In cooperation with Linde Gas, it will release 25% of its capacity.
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At the end of last week, the operation of the Třinecké železárny (TŽ) vaccination centre started. This is done by pilot vaccination of employees with a chronic disease or with a potentially high risk of a severe impact of the COVID-19 disease, who voluntarily registered in the company register. The paramedics of the AGEL Třinec-Podlesí Hospital vaccinated them with Pfizer.
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Lighting, air conditioning and other electricity consumption of the Třinecké železárny's administrative buildings will be supplied with energy from renewable sources throughout the year. Volume of this is approximately 5 GWh.
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